Spreader bar options (Spreader Bar Sold Separately)
Fixed Hook: For freestyle riders or those who want the ability to unhook, a standard fixed hook spreader bar is also available. Changing between the two options takes about one minute. Riders who use the hook have given rave reviews about the Armor Harness, mainly for the harness’s low-profile, high support advantages. It allows aggressive riders to hold down more kite, ride harder and move more freely than any other harness on the market.
Sliding rope: For surfing, freeriding and general hooked-in riding, the sliding rope spreader bar will literally change your kiteboarding experience. Your chicken loop connects directly to the rope and slides freely across the entire length of the spreader bar. With a standard hook, your harness twists and pulls from different angles depending on your body and kite position. The sliding rope system allows you to rotate your body freely, independent of your kite position, which in turn allows you to keep your harness locked-in and low where it is meant to be.
Compatibility note: Ride Engine harnesses are intended to be used with Ride Engine spreader bars. Any modification, pairing with non-Ride Engine components or spreader bars or use outside of the product’s intended purpose is not recommended, may not be safe and will void the product’s warranty.
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